70% RABATT! Bio Kakaonibs – aus Tabasqueno Rohkakaobohnen, Edelkakau aus Mexiko

Original price was: 17,00 €.Current price is: 5,10 €. incl. 19% VAT plus shipping costs

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250g (68,00 €/Kilo)


Genieße diese Bio-Kakaonibs aus edlen Tabasqueno – Rohkakaobohnen mit 100% Kakaoanteil. Wir beziehen die Nibs direkt von indigenen Farmern aus Mexiko, der Wiege des Kakao. In liebevoller Handarbeit werden die Kakaobohnen geerntet, geschält und weiter verarbeitet – angereichert mit der Weisheit & den Geschichten von Jahrtausenden.

Die gerösteten und geschälten Kakaobohnen (sog. Nibs) eignen sich ideal für dein Müsli, zum Backen, als gesunder Snack zwischendurch und als Wachmacher bei der Arbeit.

Unsere Kakaonibs sind reich an ungesättigten Fettsäuren, pflanzlichem Protein, Ballaststoffen, Vital- und Pflanzenstoffen. Vegan, gluten- und laktosefrei, frei von Soja, ohne Zusätze wie Zucker oder Süßungsmittel.

Unsere Kakao Nibs sind:

• aus 100% nachhaltig angebauten Kakaobohnen
• direkt von einem kleinen Familienbetrieb bezogen
• schonend und per Hand verarbeitet
• In Agroforstsystemen rein biologisch und natürlich angebaut
• von uns liebevoll und in tiefer Dankbarkeit an dich weiter gegeben
• gluten-, zucker,- und laktosefrei
• für ketogene und rohköstliche Ernährung geeignet

Unsere Kakaonibs schenken dir

• Unmengen an Magnesium, Eisen, Zink, Kalzium und wertvollen Antioxidantien
• einen intensiven und vollmundigen Geschmack
• eine belebende und wachmachende Wirkung, ohne Suchtgefahr, durch feinstes        Theobromin
• zahlreiche körpereigene Botenstoffe, sog. Glücksmoleküle, die nicht nur dein Herz    schmunzeln lassen werden

  • Öffne dich für die Wirkung des Kakao und erlebe, was es heißt, dich selbst zu spüren.

VARIETY: tabasqueno
WEIGHT: 250g Nettgewicht
ORIGIN: Mexico

VARIETY: tabasqueno
WEIGHT: 250g Nettgewicht
ORIGIN: Mexico

Unsere Kakao Nibs sind:

• aus 100% nachhaltig angebauten Kakaobohnen
• direkt von einem kleinen Familienbetrieb bezogen
• schonend und per Hand verarbeitet
• In Agroforstsystemen rein biologisch und natürlich angebaut
• von uns liebevoll und in tiefer Dankbarkeit an dich weiter gegeben
• gluten-, zucker,- und laktosefrei
• für ketogene und rohköstliche Ernährung geeignet

Unsere Kakaonibs schenken dir

• Unmengen an Magnesium, Eisen, Zink, Kalzium und wertvollen Antioxidantien
• einen intensiven und vollmundigen Geschmack
• eine belebende und wachmachende Wirkung, ohne Suchtgefahr, durch feinstes      Theobromin
• zahlreiche körpereigene Botenstoffe, sog. Glücksmoleküle, die nicht nur dein Herz    schmunzeln lassen werden

  • Öffne dich für die Wirkung des Kakao und erlebe, was es heißt, dich selbst zu spüren.

fine flavor cocoa

mixed forest cultivation


Keine Zuckerzusätze


From organic cultivation

The Sierra Madre region is the only place in the world that can be credited with more than 4000 years of uninterrupted cocoa cultivation and consumption. The region is a hotspot for flavorful cacao varieties selected and perfected by different civilizations. The flavors of Tabasqueño cacao and its ancient genetic traits and spicy-velvety character make this cacao variety unique in the world.

Unsere Kakaonips sind in liebevoller Handarbeit erstellt und sind ein wundervolles Geschenk für deine Liebsten. Ganz besonders rund wird dein Geschenkt mit unserem handgefertigten Molinillo, einem traditionellen Kakaoquirl aus Mexiko und unseren Kakaotalern.

Unsere Tabasqueño Kakao ist

  • made from 100% sustainably grown cocoa beans
  • made from cocoa beans grown on small family farms
  • worked out carefully and by hand
  • passed on to you lovingly and with deep gratitude
  • Gluten, sugar and lactose free
  • suitable for ketogenic diet

Unsere Tabasqueño Kakao schenkt dir

  • Huge amounts of magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium and valuable antioxidants
  • an intense and full-bodied taste, which is in no way inferior to its effect
  • numerous endogenous messenger substances, so-called happiness molecules, which will not only make your heart smile
  • Finest theobromine for more productivity and gentle wakefulness and fitness

Open yourself to the effects of this unique drink and experience what it means to feel yourself, to arrive in harmony with yourself and to be in the flow. It is not for nothing that cocoa is used worldwide for rituals, coaching, performance and energy work and has been considered a valuable medicinal plant for thousands of years.

safety instructions
– Pure cocoa contains theobromine, which activates and inspires you. Theobromine acts like caffeine, only more gently and without the sharp drop in energy.
– Caffeine constricts the blood vessels and the heart has to pump the blood with more pressure.
– In contrast to caffeine, theobromine dilates the blood vessels, which means that more oxygen can be absorbed and you feel naturally fit and awake as a result.

We would therefore like to ask you to slowly approach your feel-good amount of cocoa and to decide for yourself how much cocoa is good for you. In general, it is advised not to exceed the recommended amount of cocoa of 40g per day. Always enjoy cocoa in combination with water, because cocoa removes water from the body.

Theobromine is toxic to dogs and cats. Even a single ceremonial dose of about 30 grams can be dangerous for them. Please make sure that your cocoa supply and your full cocoa cups are out of the reach of your pets. Thanks!

Would you like to learn more about cocoa, its origin and production?

In this blog post you will find all the important basic information about our cocoa.

More about cocoa

Aufbewahrung & Haltbarkeit:


Wenn du deinen Kakao, oder die Kakaonibs endlich in deinen Händen hältst, dann wähle für sie einen trockenen, nicht zu heißen Ort. Sofern Kakao nicht über Raumtemperatur erwärmt wird oder an Feuchtigkeit gelangt, ist er bis zu zwei Jahre haltbar. Lediglich sein Äußeres kann sich ein wenig verändern.

Bitte bedenke: Unser Kakao ist und bleibt ein Naturprodukt und tritt dementsprechend natürlich und auf seine eigene Weise für dich auf. Wir bitten um Verständnis für die Einzigartigkeit der Natur und für eventuelle Abweichungen vom vollendeten Produktbild.

Do you want more about cocoa ceremonies and the preparation learned about ceremonial cacao?
Then you will enjoy this blog post.

Preparation of cocoa
Farmer aus dem Kakaoanbauprojekt in Mexiko

Project Selva Zoque

With your purchase you are not only giving yourself something good, you are also supporting a valuable agroforestry project in the Sierra Madre in Mexico, which is dedicated to reforesting fallow land and supporting the local farmers and smallholders of the indigenous Zoque Tzotzil tribes in Mexico who live there .

The Selva-Zoque area is the only place in the world where cocoa has been grown, cultivated and consumed uninterruptedly for over 4000 years, as this is where the 'kakaw' fruit was discovered as food for the mind, soul and body.

Happy about your purchase:

– The area of the Selva – Zoque, one of the largest and most important ecologically rainforest areas mexico. Through the Selva – Zoque project, cleared pasture land is being actively converted back into traditional mixed forests.
Native and endangered animals (like the spider monkey and jaguar) because the sustainable cacao forests serve as buffer zones to the boundary of the primary rainforest areas
The local farmers and indigenous tribes the region, where they are paid directly and fairly, without price fluctuations and without the pressure of world market prices from monocultures
You, when our cocoa lands in your favorite cup and warms your heart, delights your soul and nourishes your body
your loved ones, when they can taste the "drink of the gods" with you and find out what cocoa really is and how real cocoa tastes.
wewho are allowed to present and offer it to you with absolute conviction and deep gratitude

Travel with us to the birthplace of cocoa and learn more about our Tabasqueño cocoa and the Selva Zoque project in this blog post:

More about the project

We are happy to deliver worldwide.

– Within Germany: €4.90
– Ins EU-Ausland: €14,90€
– Außerhalb der EU: €30,00

Free Shipping
– From an order value of 80 euros we give free shipping within Germany.
– Ab einem Bestellwert von 130 Euro sogar europaweit (ausgenommen der Schweiz und England)

Unless a different period is specified in the respective offer, the goods will be delivered in
– Domestic (Germany) within 3 – 5 days,
- for deliveries abroad within 5 - 7 days after conclusion of the contract

Please note that there is no delivery on Sundays and public holidays.

If you order items with different delivery times, we will ship the goods in one shipment, unless we have made different agreements with you. In this case, the delivery time is determined by the item with the longest delivery time that you have ordered.

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fine flavor cocoa

mixed forest cultivation


No added sugar


From organic cultivation

The Sierra Madre region is the only place in the world that can be credited with more than 4000 years of uninterrupted cocoa cultivation and consumption. The region is a hotspot for flavorful cacao varieties selected and perfected by different civilizations. The flavors of Tabasqueño cacao and its ancient genetic traits and spicy-velvety character make this cacao variety unique in the world.

Unsere Kakaonips sind in liebevoller Handarbeit erstellt und sind ein wundervolles Geschenk für deine Liebsten. Ganz besonders rund wird dein Geschenkt mit unserem handgefertigten Molinillo, einem traditionellen Kakaoquirl aus Mexiko und unseren Kakaotalern.

Unsere Tabasqueño Kakao ist

  • made from 100% sustainably grown cocoa beans
  • from cocoa beans grown biodynamically in family farms
  • worked out carefully and by hand
  • passed on to you lovingly and with deep gratitude
  • Gluten, sugar and lactose free
  • suitable for ketogenic diet

Unsere Tabasqueño Kakao schenkt dir

  • Huge amounts of magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and valuable antioxidants
  • an intense and full-bodied taste, which gives an idea of its effect
  • numerous endogenous messenger substances, so-called happiness molecules, which will not only make your heart smile
  • 1224mg finest theobromine per 100g

safety instructions
– Pure cacao contains appreciable amounts of theobromine, which helps you to be winged, because theobromine acts like caffeine, only without the sharp drop in energy.
– Caffeine constricts the blood vessels and the heart has to pump the blood with more pressure.
– In contrast to caffeine, theobromine dilates the blood vessels, which means that more oxygen can be absorbed and you feel naturally fit and awake as a result.

We would like to ask you to slowly approach your feel-good amount of cocoa and to decide for yourself how much cocoa is good for you. In general, it is advised not to exceed the recommended amount of cocoa of 40g per day. Always enjoy cocoa in combination with water, because cocoa removes water from the body.

Theobromine is toxic to dogs and cats. Even a single ceremonial dose of 30 grams can be dangerous for them. Please make sure that your cocoa supply and your full cocoa cups are out of the reach of your pets. Thanks!

Would you like to learn more about cocoa, its origin and production?
In this blog post you will find all the important basic information about our cocoa.

More about cocoa

Aufbewahrung & Haltbarkeit:


Wenn du deinen Kakao, oder die Kakaonibs endlich in deinen Händen hältst, dann wähle für sie einen trockenen, nicht zu heißen Ort. Sofern Kakao nicht über Raumtemperatur erwärmt wird oder an Feuchtigkeit gelangt, ist er bis zu zwei Jahre haltbar. Lediglich sein Äußeres kann sich ein wenig verändern.

Bitte bedenke: Unser Kakao ist und bleibt ein Naturprodukt und tritt dementsprechend natürlich und auf seine eigene Weise für dich auf. Wir bitten um Verständnis für die Einzigartigkeit der Natur und für eventuelle Abweichungen vom vollendeten Produktbild.

Do you want more about cocoa ceremonies and the preparation learned about ceremonial cacao?
Then you will enjoy this blog post.

More on this topic
Farmer aus dem Kakaoanbauprojekt in Mexiko

Project Selva Zoque

With your purchase you are not only giving yourself something good, you are also supporting a valuable agroforestry project in the Sierra Madre in Mexico, which is dedicated to reforesting fallow land and supporting the local farmers and smallholders of the indigenous Zoque Tzotzil tribes in Mexico who live there .

The Selva-Zoque area is the only place in the world where cocoa has been grown, cultivated and consumed uninterruptedly for over 4000 years, as this is where the 'kakaw' fruit was discovered as food for the mind, soul and body.

Happy about your purchase:

– The area of the Selva – Zoque, one of the largest and most important ecologically rainforest areas mexico. Through the Selva – Zoque project, cleared pasture land is being actively converted back into traditional mixed forests.
Native and endangered animals (like the spider monkey and jaguar) because the sustainable cacao forests serve as buffer zones to the boundary of the primary rainforest areas
The local farmers and indigenous tribes the region, where they are paid directly and fairly, without price fluctuations and without the pressure of world market prices from monocultures
You, when our cocoa lands in your favorite cup and warms your heart, delights your soul and nourishes your body
your loved ones, when they can taste the "drink of the gods" with you and find out what cocoa really is and how real cocoa tastes.
wewho are allowed to present and offer it to you with absolute conviction and deep gratitude

Travel with us to the birthplace of cocoa and learn more about our Tabasqueño cocoa and the Selva Zoque project in this blog post:

We are happy to deliver worldwide.

– Shipping within Germany costs €4.90.
– Ins EU-Ausland kostet der Versand 14,90€ .
– Außerhalb der EU kostet der Versand 30,00€.

Free Shipping
– From an order value of 80 euros we give free shipping within Germany.
– From an order value of 130 euros even Europe-wide.

Unless a different period is specified in the respective offer, the goods will be delivered in
– Domestic (Germany) within 3 – 5 days,
- for deliveries abroad within 5 - 7 days after conclusion of the contract

Please note that there is no delivery on Sundays and public holidays.

If you order items with different delivery times, we will ship the goods in one shipment, unless we have made different agreements with you. In this case, the delivery time is determined by the item with the longest delivery time that you have ordered.

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    The Mellow Magic Shop is a small, traveling family business that wants to share the treasures of the world & their stories with you. Here you can buy high-quality fine flavor cocoa from sustainable projects, as well as support special craftsmanship - from direct, fair trade - with your purchase.

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